Holiday Reading

As soon as the school holiday arrived, we jetted off for sunny Spain - just as the UK was experiencing a heat wave! Nevermind, we had an air conditioned apartment and a pool at hand, so it made the heat very enjoyable rather than a little bit torturous if we'd still been a home. Unfortunately, we forgot to ask anyone to water our garden, but that is another story... Whilst on holiday, I love to read. I love reading at anytime but with two children, there never seems enough hours in the day and I'm always too shattered by bed time to even contemplate opening a book. I used to read loads of books on holiday, in fact my husband and I would always try and out-do each other with who could read the most books the quickest (I've always been the slower reader but I maintain that this is because I get so engrossed in the plot). This year I managed to read three books, although one I had started months ago so perhaps doesn't count. Anyway, I'm goin...