Blogging and creativity

As my blog has reached its first birthday, I decided it was about time I finished this blog post which I started ageeeeessssssss ago. What's it about? Blogging! When I wrote my welcome post a whole year ago, I mentioned that I have taught about blogging for several years and watched as students created their own blogs. I was always put off creating my own blog because I didn't really think I had anything to say and I couldn't decide what topic to blog about. I am typically one of those people who put off doing things because I don't think it will be good enough or that it's too difficult so why even start? I listen to what Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way describes as "creative blockers". When I finally started blogging I discovered that I have quite a lot to say and quite a lot that I'm interested in - who said a blog had to be about just one topic? I'm really enjoying reading blogs about my interests (the...