Birthday time again!
So my poor, neglected blog is 2 years old and what a lot has changed in the past year! My resolution to write one post a month has gone completely out of the window but it doesn't mean I've stopped loving my blog. I just haven't had a lot of time to update it. Happy Birthday Mrs Birks Blogs...not 6 yet! Back in February, I wrote about a book called Create Your Amazing Year 2014 (read about it here) which had been helpful in making some changes to my general routines and I was feeling happier. Later that month, as part of making changes, I went for a job interview and after a thorough grilling, I got a new job to start later in the year. No biggy you might be thinking but it wasn't just a new job, it also meant a new house, new school for my daughter and a new daily commute into Cambridge. Instantly...