Cupcakes with Lola
On a trip to our local library recently, I got a copy of the Making Cupcakes with Lola cookbook. Before I talk about the many joys of the book, I just want to mention our local library. We love it! The staff are so helpful, even when my 7 year old asks slightly obscure questions about Pokémon. They run loads of special events - we've been to an indoor picnic, junk modelling and a record breaking attempt and there is a genuinely welcoming atmosphere. When we first moved here, joining the library was one of the first things we did and the following weekend for an added bonus, they had a DVD and CD sale where we managed to pick up lots of bargains, With cuts to all libraries over the last few years, I am so grateful for the service provided by ours - well done Downham Market library, we salute you! Anyway, back to Cupcakes with Lola. I hadn't really thought of myself as a cupcake baker before or a cupcake buyer for that matter - I don't k...