Hello and Welcome!

I'm guessing that the first blog post is probably the hardest to write.  I say this because, I've already written and rejected the first sentence three times - mostly because the tone was too formal, I think.  But I do want to introduce myself and tell you about my reasons for starting a blog. I'll try to be brief for fear of scaring you away...I'm a Media Studies teacher and I've been teaching about blogging for at least 6 years.  During that time I've seen students past and present start their own blogs but I've never been tempted to write one myself.  That's not entirely true, I have been tempted but have never done anything about it.  I wasn 't sure I had anything useful or interesting to say or that I'd be able to keep it up and devote enough time to it.  However, I've just had a baby and being on maternity leave has given me more time to think, breathe and consider what it is I'd like to contribute to the world wide web.  So here it is, my blog about media teaching, being a mum, making stuff and baking - all the things I love to do!  I hope you enjoy it, get some ideas and share your own.  Comments are very welcome x


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