I teach Media Studies and I'm proud!
So the time of year is upon us when exams are just about over and the wait for results begins. Alongside that, is the wait for the inevitable slating of exam results and comments about Media Studies being a Mickey Mouse subject. We all know it's coming...and most of us know it's pretty unfair. After years of studying and revision, then weeks of exams, A Level students won't be congratulated on their results but told that exams are getting easier and that subject content is being dumbed down. You'd think as a nation we'd be pleased when our children do well... I know many of the people reading this blog will be students who have either studied Media at A Level or are currently at University studying a related subject (hello to you!). These students know it is not easy to get an A grade in any A Level regardless of the subject. Media Studies is no exception. If it were easy, everyone would be...